During Training

Trainees are expected to work with their mentors to come up with an Individual Development Plan (IDP) for their training. This provides an opportunity for trainees to articulate and organize their training goals, identify key mentors to help achieve them, and come up with concrete outcomes for training (such as publications, presenting abstracts at conferences, progressing towards a specific career, etc.)

An IDP template can be downloaded here. Before completion, we strongly advise reviewing this webpage as a helpful resource: grad.wisc.edu/professional-development/individual-development-plan/

IDP’s must be signed by the trainee and their primary mentor, with completed + signed plans sent to Program Directors and the Program Administrator (currently Havannah Tung, havannahtung@pitt.edu). These plans should be revisited at least annually and updated as needed while training progresses.

Annual Progress Reports + Program Meetings

Additionally, NIH requires submission of an annual Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) for this program. Trainees will be expected to provide timely summaries and lists of activities, accomplishments, challenges or changes to their plans, and other data as needed to help complete this report.

The SAPPHGenE Program Administrator will reach out via email with these requests for information. They will typically be made in late August – early September, ahead of the NIH’s RPPR due date of November 1 each year.

An annual program meeting will also be held (in virtual, in-person, or hybrid format), with Program Directors, mentors, administrators, TAC members (if available), and trainees in attendance. Trainees will be expected to present for 10-12 minutes about their research and field questions from attendees. This meeting will typically take place sometime between March and June each year.